Monday, February 24, 2014

Confessions from a Paused Life #2: The Waiting Game- It Isn't Fun, Don't Call it a Game.

Ah, life. It really knows how to annoy the pants off of you, be it a rainy day, burnt cupcakes, or a suspenseful and long wait for Graduate School letters. Day in and day out, you await that email, or a letter, maybe even a phone call, letting you know what the future will bring. With your life "on pause" you just sit idly by, going on the internet to stave off the boredom and nauseous worry.

In the back of your mind you fear that it won't end well. Like the nightmare of the year leading up to your 11th birthday when you're a Harry Potter fan.

That's how a rejection letter from a University feels. Only worse because it makes you feel stupid and unworthy of higher education, despite your hard work and love of the field you've chosen. Oh, Augustus, what would you do?

(Invade and beat the crap out of the Universities, probably.)

The waiting game for acceptance/rejection letters isn't fun. I don't get why they call it a game. Games should be fun. Unless its in the Saw movies, then its just gratuitous grossness and violence. 

The wait will be worth it, though. Once you find out you can start planning your life. It will no longer be on pause. You can go back to school, or if not, get that big girl/boy job. Just take a deep breathe and be patient. Even if you don't get that acceptance into Hogwarts, you have more options. Its true, whether you like to hear it or not.

Still, for now, waiting is the only option for us stuck on pause. Until we hear either way, let's just continue trying out yummy recipes and pictures of super-cute Pokemon. 


Don't worry, though my fellow Paused-Lifers! We'll get through this together! If you're new to the blog, check out Confession #1 for a little back story and more encouragement. Leave a comment below about what you do to pass the time or to discuss your own worries about life. I'm here to help!  And as always, share if you likey~

A quick note, I'd like to say Rest In Peace to a very cool man, Harold Ramis (1994-2014).

A man many from the 80's and 90's grew up with, he was involved with the creation of many awesome comedies: Stripes, Groundhog day, Ghostbusters, and Caddyshack. He helped lay the foundations for comedy as we know it today, and he will sorely be missed. 

*Le Pinterest is ze best. Thanks for le images*


  1. I'm in the same boat as you. I've sent out some applications and haven't heard anything back yet... In the mean time I'm looking at more schools to send applications to as back ups and doing everything in my power to not think about the inevitable rejection to at least one school. Bleh.
    Much luck! I got a bit bit of advice from one of my profs which a friend of mine, who was a professor at a different school, agreed with. He said that schools get so many applications they will reject students because the department feels they would get to work more within their interests at a different school. So, with that logic, its not always because we're failures, just that our interests don't line up with X school... just have to remember that when/if we get a rejection....

  2. Yeah, I was thinking of applying to more schools, but the deadlines for funding all ended in early January. I don't think I could go anywhere without some kind of funding. At this point I just want to find out. I''m sick of the suspense. Good luck to you though! Any school would be lucky to have you!


Be cool and leave a comment. Oh, and Beware: there be troll eating dragons!