Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Roman Honey Cakes!!!! This...Is...Delicious!!!

Well hello there, ~Paused Lifers~! I finally got around to making the honey cakes! I know, I know. Took me long enough. I have a life outside of the internet, you know. Not much of one, but eh.

I actually decided to wait until I saw the new 300: Rise of an Empire movie. A review of that....beautiful piece of cinematography will come at a later date.

(Could you read the sarcasm? Yes? Good.)

I thought it would be a nice combo: A movie about Greeks trying not to be conquered and a food item from the people that would conquer the Greeks. Ancient history. Fun stuff.

So, for those of you who didn't see my Ides of March post, here's the recipe again.

1 cup flour, sifted
8 oz ricotta cheese
1 egg, beaten
bay leaves
1/2 cup honey

1.) Beat the cheese until its soft, then add in the egg and flour. Form into a dough and divide into 4 equal portions.

2.) Put onto a greased baking sheet with a bay leaf under each.cook at 435 degrees F for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown.

3.) Warm up the honey in a microwave or sauce pan. Lay the cakes in it and let it sit for 30 minutes so they can absorb the honey. Serve and enjoy!

Now, this is a pretty dense, rustic recipe. But its pretty good, especially if you like ricotta cheese. They're more like a ricotta puff than a cheesecake like I thought they'd be.

Now that I'm all inspired by ancient history its time to write that 300 review!

So, will you be trying out this ancient recipe? Leave a comment below and, as always, subscribe and share if you likey~

*All-mighty Pinterest needs more funny 300 memes. Now. *

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