Sunday, April 20, 2014

Chocolate Cream Pie- Allrecipes Test #1

Hello, fellow *Paused Lifers*, I have returned from a mini- hiatus! I had some pretty exciting things happen over the last 20 days, so sadly the blog  ( and the almighty Pinterest) suffered as result. I can't believe I haven't posted since my ravioli lasagna recipe!

However, I am back now and freshly motivated to continue providing the handful of people that enjoy my ramblings the recipes and funny rants the require!

Also, Happy Easter! Or Zombie Jesus Day! Or Pagan fertility festival! Whichever you prefer. I was thinking about doing a little rant about the ancient origins of Easter. But decided that the entire Internet is doing that right now and I will now contribute to the crazy, inaccurate histories being spread.

( I in no way, shape, or form claim this to be accurate. I need a library, not the Internet for that)

So, to celebrate Easter I decided on a Chocolate Cream Pie. Because who doesn't love pie?

The recipe is from Allrecipes, because I find great joy in seeing if those recipes are actually any good. I did do some alterations based on reviews.

Chocolate Cream Pie


1 9-inch Pie crust, pre-made is perfectly fine.

1 1/4 cup sugar
2 tbs flour
2 and 2 tsp cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups milk
4 egg yolks
2 1oz squares of chocolate (I used semi-sweet, recipe calls for baker's)
1 tbs butter
1 tsp vanilla

1.) Pre-bake the pie crust. You can find a fantastic guide here. I'll eventually do a step-by-step of this,

2.) In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, flour, cornstarch, and salt. Whisk to combine.


3.) In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and milk. Stir slowly into the dry mix, and heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens (about 15 minutes). 

4.) Meanwhile, add together the chocolate, vanilla, and the butter. Once the heated mixture finishes boiling, remove from heat and add in the chocolate. Stir until smooth and chocolaty

5.) Pour gently into the pie crust, and cover with saran wrap to prevent a "skin" from forming.

6.) Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Add some pretty whipped cream swirls, slice, and enjoy!

6.5) Or you can add a ton of whipped cream because its delicious and why not.

The pie is sweet, chocolaty, and creamy! I think it could have used a tad more cornstarch as it was leaning towards being more of a pudding pie, but I would definitely make it again!

So, will you be giving this pie a try? What desserts do you enjoy on Easter? Leave a comment below and, as always, subscribe and share if you enjoyed!

*Pinterest is angered by my absence. ALL HAIL THE PINTEREST*

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