Well, well, well, look what we have here. Chef Oshawott has returned! I can hear your enthusiasm wafting over the tumbleweeds as they cross over the desert. And no, I'm not gonna put a funny tumbleweed pic here!
Ok, so a lot went down the last few months. I no longer what I lovingly coined a "Paused Life." Stuff is finally going on that doesn't completely revolve around working retail and self- pitying! A quick recap for the few of you who read me life story stuff: I got into a relationship. It ended badly. Along with my ancient laptop. R.I.P Toshi~
I got into the Graduate School that I wanted, so I had to move. Which took up so much time preparing for, let me tell you.
I discovered Animal Crossing, which I may or may not write about at a later date. But for real, its so freaking addictive! I'm glad I never played it when was younger, otherwise I would never have gotten anywhere.
I am so flipping exited, you have no idea. Definitely may do more Pokemon posts later on.
In more recent news, we got a new Doctor. The great Peter Capaldi:
Yup. That about sums up all the major stuff that happened to me. And a ton of other people, I'm sure.
Anyways, in between studying Classics (Rome and Greece), and drinking my weight in Starbucks, I hope to update the bog more frequently. It was really cathartic for me last year, and I'm hoping it will help me retain some of my sanity in the months to come.
I'll try my best to give you guys more recipes, I'm starting from ground zero with the baking equipment,, but I'll do my best. Let me know if you'd like more Geeky baking or Allrecipes test runs.
I may occasionally do some geek/nerd ranting, but definitely not as frequently as I used to. I may even give some small "Now you Know history segments if you guys want. Let me know in the comments.
No matter what things I post here, its definitely going to be more personal blog-y. Hence the less fancy blog design. No more self promoting. This is for me and for the few of you that find me entertaining. And I really do appreciate you guys, your support kept me going last year. Major kudos to you!
Until then, I hope those of you in school have a great semester, and everyone in the real world have a fantastic time in the second half of 2014.! Also, share and comment if you likey~ (I had to do it, felt wrong not to.....)
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