Sunday, February 9, 2014

Holy Hamburgers, Batman!

Have you ever had that urge to just go primal on a large, juicy burger. And not a microwaved burger ( you know of the "restaurants" of which I speak). When that craving comes along, the only place that can satisfy it is Five Guys Burgers and Fries. You all have probably heard of them or tried their food, but just in case I decided  to share my love of their greasy delectables by giving you my Top 5 reasons that Five Guys is so great.


         5. Simplicity
Five Guys doesn't have a big menu, and I think that is definitely a plus. Every time I go to a place like Red Robin I get overwhelmed with the choices or keep getting too distracted by the decor to even make a decision before the waiter comes back. Yeah, this is more of a personal problem, I know, but I like the limited menu and the simple decor. It shows you what the place is concentrated on: A kick- ass burger!
         4. Peanuts
Who doesn't love free peanuts? I apologize to all of you with peanut allergies, I feel your pain!

         3. Fries
Now, I'm not going to lie, they aren't my favorite fried spuds on the market. But they sure are pretty high on my list! The greasy fries come two styles: Five Guys style and Cajun style. I have no resistance to spicy food, so I haven't tried the Cajun, but the regular style is good enough for me. They can be greasy and salty, but it pairs very well with the large greasy burger. If you want, you can go old fashioned and put some malt vinegar on them to cut through the salt (my personal preference). Let's be honest, though. You aren't eating a burger and fries for your health. It's for your soul! I mean come on, look at theses delicious golden bits of goodness. Hand cut, deep fried in all natural peanut oil. So yummy!

          2. Toppings
You can get ANYTHING of your burger. For Free. Tomatoes, Grilled mushrooms and onions, even steak sauce. Its completely customizable with no extra charge! In the mood for a bar-b-que burger? BAM! You got it. Want a classic with mustard and ketchup? BAM! It's yours. Such sweet, varied toppings. Only bacon and cheese are extra.

          1. Burger
What else could be number 1? Sure, its a little on the pricy side for fast food, but its so good~ and have you seen the size of these monsters?
This is the "little burger" as in for kids. You don't even want me to put pics of the double bacon cheeseburgers! Also, they don't have pre-made, frozen patties. The beef comes into the restaurant, it gets ground up, then chilled in a freezer until it meets the flat top. All this for 5 dollars? Yes Please!

Well, that about wraps it up for today. Now, these are just my opinions, so feel free to let the world know your favorite burger place in the comments!

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