Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wait...there's no coffee in coffee cake?

Haha, just joking! I know there isn't any coffee in coffee cake, that's why you have it with coffee! And I drink a lot of coffee. Really. A LOT. The fact that I have an actual gold card from Starbucks attests to this. Anyways, I'm sure you all have had your fair share of coffee cakes, its sort of an art. You can put pretty much anything into and on top of them. Fruit, molasses, you can even trick people into being healthy by putting zucchini in it. Then there is pumpkin. Ah, pumpkin spice latte, return to us soon! 

Er, sorry. I promise I wont go pumpkin crazy until Fall comes back around. Back on topic! Despite just making cupcakes, I had a bad day so I figured I'd bake something else (baking and cooking are very therapeutic). Since I had sour cream and pecans, I went with coffee cake.

It tastes better than this picture makes it look, I swear. If you don't trust me, check out the recipe. It's a pretty basic sour cream coffee cake with a pecan streusel, but something about it was special. It was gooey, yet firm, moist yet flaky. All good things!

Forewarning: This recipe takes a lot of steps and uses up a lot of mixing bowls, so be prepared! I  would recommend eating a slice of this with a latte or cappuccino. The milk will be a nice way to cut through all that sugary goodness!

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