Friday, March 7, 2014

And Now For Something Completely Different- Top 5 Monty Python Moments

Ah, Monty Python. So many fond memories of random happenstances. I've been a fan of the Pythons since high school English class. I'm still not sure why we watched Holy Grail instead of read a book, but hey, I loved it and went on to watch all of Flying Circus and the three movies. So now, for your enjoyment and mine, here are my top 5 Monty Python Moments!

5.) The Ministry of Silly Walks- Not sure what's funnier, the walks or the fact there is a government agency for them.

4.) The Cheese Shop Sketch- So...much...cheese...

3.) The Latin Lesson  AND The Taunting Frenchmen....I couldn't decide between my love of stereotypes or history jokes.....sorry...

2.) The Spanish Inquisition- I think everyone was expecting this gem on the list.

1.) Philosophers' Soccer (Football)- Not sure why, but I just love this sketch.

There they are, my top 5 Monty Python Moment! Some honorable mentions include the Killer Rabbit, the Dead Parrot, and the rest of the Monty Python corpus.
So, what are your favorite sketches? Leave a comment below and, as always, subscribe and share if you likey~

* Youtube is God today. Thanks for the videos! Also, R.I.P Graham Chapman :'( *

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