Either way, we are going to be Carpe diem-ing that shit.
.....Then that falls through and you end up where it all began.
You lay on your parent's couch bemused: You did everything right. You did the extra-curriculars. Participated in activities related to your field, like that internship or field school. Maybe even a study abroad trip. Heck, you did your own research and presented it at a conference. Then life bitch-slapped you. Hard. Repeatedly. Like the Hulk did to Loki in the Avengers.
(I was going to put a clip of the Hulk smashing Loki....but it wouldn't work. As per usual, those responsible have been sacked)
The falling apart of your life wouldn't be that bad if others weren't having, in your opinion, pretty good lives. Friends are getting their dream jobs, or are getting into grad school while you wallow in your self pity. Or they're going the family route while you sit on your parent's couch.
(Whoever made this spelled 'here' wrong, they need a sacking)
So you cave in and regroup. You apply to every business in a 10 mile radius. Unsuccessfully.
So true, philosoraptor. So true.
PLAN B TIME. Then you apply to every retail business in a 10 mile radius, only to get a interview with one. In your mind, at this moment, this is just a temporary situation. You'll use this job to save money as you bone up on your credentials and reapply to school or to that dream job. Or you try.
Curse you, internet!!! Why do you taunt my generation so???
Still, that nagging fear of failure and depression keeps creeping in. Then you hear back from Plan B. Failure resurfaces. Depression grabs you like a dog to a bone.
Now what. With no motivation for anything it can be hard to want to think about the future. Especially with everyone trying to be supportive and motivational. The jerks. You feel like a failure, and to be honest, people do fail. And life isn't going to be nice. You have to fight back. Find something to make you happy, make you smile. Reconnect with a part of yourself that went on the back burner during college. Take some time for yourself to NOT think about the future. Take a break from the future! It doesn't have to be NOW; sorry every sci-fi movie ever made. You are wrong.
I can't promise that everything will work out and your future will be bright, or that you'll get that dream job. Heck, I don't even know what's going on with my own life right now. But at least for a few blissful moments, you won't be sad. You won't feel lost. I hate to admit it but all those jerks are, in a way, right:
By everything, I mean you. Just take a break and do something you enjoy. Eventually you will calm the F- down and work stuff out. Life won't be on ~pause~ forever. Just take a moment to be you and stop worrying about it. This might not be the most inspiring thing you've ever read as you Google your way through pages of "how to make life work" searches (I know you're doing that, we all do that), but its what works for me and I wanted to share. This is real talk from a real paused life. Not someone who already got through their drama. And I hope I helped just a little bit.
Sorry about the rant, oh mysterious, possibly non-existent people who peruse this blog :/
*I found all images on the interwebz, I made nothing. Thanks creative people!*
There are many who can relate. you just told their story!
ReplyDelete1. I exist!
ReplyDelete2. You pretty much described my life, too. I feel like I'm in a rut of "wake up, go to part-time job, come home and stare at the computer, eat dinner, knit, sleep." Even when I'm doing other "fun" things, its like all the emphasis is on waiting for that damn acceptance/rejection letter.
It wouldn't be so bad if friends and family weren't waiting as eagerly as we are. Every time I see anyone, especially if its been a while, the 1st thing to come out of their mouth is "hear back from any schools?" What happens when I have to say I got rejected?
......... If you suddenly see that I've moved 1/2 way around the world you'll know I got rejected from everywhere and have decided to run away with a European renaissance festival crew.
Yeah, that last thing I ever want to hear is the "hear back from any schools" thing...so annoying. If you end up going to Europe, let me know and I'll come with. I always wanted to be a beer wench!