Monday, February 17, 2014

Good Guy Stargate

As Geek and Nerds, we have all inevitably come across the heartbreak that is a cancelled series. Star Trek TOS, every other Star Trek Series, Farscape, and as Stephen Colbert nicely sums up-

Yup, We've all been there. Many of my top 5 have suffered from it, and many of my favorite that didn't make the list. And in honor of my favorite Sci-fi universe, the Stargate universe, I will now give it the honor it deserves.      


Oh, Stargate, how I loved you. We spent over 10 years together, got through 3 different series, and saw the creation of 3 straight-to-dvd movies. All for it to come crashing down when MGM went bankrupt and the SCI-FI SYFY network "re branded" itself. The movie to finish off SG-1- cancelled.  The movie that was destined to wrap up Stargate Atlantis- cancelled. Stargate Universe- cancelled. So many questions left unanswered: Will Carter and O'Neill ever end up together? What happened to Todd the wraith? What did the world think of Atlantis landing in San Francisco bay? What the heck was Universe about? Is Eli alive????

(I love you, Eli!!!)

Alas, the future looks grim for Gaters. Especially with the rumors of a complete reboot, starting off where the original movie began. I for one think that casting aside the mythos that the Series' writers and producers worked to meticulously to create is a HUGE  mistake and will alienate much of the fanbase. The charm of the t.v. shows will be lost to a big-screen remake. It won't be the same Stargate that we know and love. So, Sorry SYFY, i do not approve! 

You killed it, don't just pawn it off on someone else ot make a quick buck you so-called....ehhem....sorry, I was starting to rant. This is about showing my love, though, not me anger at the SYFY network.

Now, how do I describe the main plot of Stargate and why its awesome? Colonel, I leave it to you-

Yup, that about sums it up. The great thing about Stargate was its quirkyness. It could be as modestly  funny as Star Trek TNG, and as dramatic as Battlestar Galactica. Heck, it even made fun of itself on multiple occasions. For example, Episode 200. Just google some clips. Its amazing. Its funny. It mentions the Furlings never actually showing up despite being uber important to the mythology of the show. Its also spoofs Star Trek AND Farscape, which was easy cause of Ben Browder and Claudia Black being on both shows. So goooood~

Another great reason to love Stargate? Great strong female characters. Now, I'm not saying that Sci-fi tends to over shadow female characters sometimes, but it does happen. Stargate, though, started off its run with a main female cast member being a bad ass mofo. May I introduce you to Brigadier General (originally a captain) Samantha Carter. AstroPhysicist, engineer, fighter pilot, sun-exploder. She p'wned so many bad guys and was so smart. She also got her fair share of romance, but it didn't overshadow her goals and duties. Such a great role model for 10 year old Oshawott here.

Sure, Star Trek has Janeway and Crusher and, um, T'Pol? But for the mid 1990's Carter was special and she deserves more credit than she gets in the sci-fi universe. Then you have Vala, Wier,Keller. All Great. I do admit the women on Universe were a little needy...but hey, they can't all be great.

Stargate was also on t.v. for an incredibly long amount of time, 1994-2009. That's a loooong time, right up there with Star Trek. It wasn't just quantity over quality, though. Each series stuck it out and kept on providing the stuff Gaters loved, even amongst cast changes and budget problems. The producers and writers loved their fans and kept spewing out quality material.

I do concede that near the end of SG-1, the show was getting kitchy and cliche'd. The Ori were pretty bad....and not in the good way for villains. AND that Universe got off to a rough start. The comparisons to Battlestar Galactica and the major changes to the usual Stargate storyline did alienate some fans. But right at the end, those last few episode. It started to shine. Major character growth, major sadness. Major cancellation.

In the end, us Gaters can only make petitions and hope that the Stargate we know and love will return through the wormhole to us one day. Until then, we have the reruns to keep us company and remind us of our love. Who knows. Star Trek came back with a vengeance multiple times, and the Browncoats got the Firefly movie Serenity. Fandoms are powerful and eventually get shit done.

Until then.....

*All stuff from the internetz, like pinterest and tumblr. Thanks dudes, much appreciated*


  1. Stargate was a great sci fi show.

    1. You have good taste, good sir! Thanks for stopping by!

    2. A remake of the classic 1994 science fiction fantasy time travel alternative history action adventure military/war melodrama film directed by Roland Emmerich & Jerry Bruckheimer filming underway by early spring of 2026 by Warner Bros Studios and Sony Pictures coming soon.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    3. Stargate Anthology series 40 years of epic adventures (1994-2024).😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

    4. Stargate Time Adventures planned TV series.

    5. Children of Stargate planned comicbook series.

    6. Stargate SG-1.

    7. Stargate: Atlantis.

    8. Stargate: Infinity.

    9. Stargate Legacy.


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