Monday, March 3, 2014

Confessions From A Paused Life #3- Regrets, Rage, and Rocky Road

Regrets. They keep you up at night. You dream about those missed opportunities, yearn for the Doctor to take you back in time to correct those mistakes. You pray to Odin's missing eye that people would stop throwing "Live life, no regrets!" posts in your face....ugh....

Gaaaah! Just stop it already!!! You will always have regrets and they will always weigh on your mind, making you angry at yourself for even worrying about them and for the regrets themselves. Its a vicious cycle of rage. You just want to go full-on Hulk on them.

(Not exactly what I meant)

It's ok, though! Its probably damn  well near impossible to live your life "without" regrets. What you need to do it face them and admit that while you are disappointed, shit happened, and you need to just accept it. Easier said than done, I know. If anything, maybe you can learn something about yourself when you take a look at your regrets. You'll still have them, but they kind of become useful. Maybe.

So today, I'm laying my regrets out on the line for all to see. No holding back. Its going to get ugly.

I Wish...
  1. I had never taken up Band and just went into Spanish like most people. It would have saved me from so much pain AND I'd have 6 years of Spanish under my belt by the time College came around.
  2.  I had been a bigger geek in high school and not have given so much of a damn about what others think. I was miserable and lonely, and the only person who realized it was Psizzle.
  3.  I had applied to more colleges and not just have settled.
  4.  I had realized how smart I was and tried to reach more when it came to school.
  5. I hadn't gone into History.
  6. I didn't regret regretting my History degree.
  7. I had started taking Latin and Classical Geek my first year of college.
  8. I had joined more clubs and been more social.
  9. I had volunteered more and done more undergraduate research
  10. I could have been more girly so I would have learned how to use make up
  11. I had gone to Pompeii and Sicily when I was in Italy and wouldn't have been afraid to travel alone
  12. I had gone to Culinary School
  13. I had finish the novel I wrote that I haven't told anyone about for fear of judgement and rejection, instead of deleting it.
  14. I had been a better friend to all the people who stopped talking to me over the years
  15. I had gotten my driver's license sooner
  16. I had stayed in Philadelphia, taken out the huge-ass loan, found a new apartment, and toughed it out. Instead I sissied-out and ruined my life and let everyone down.
Well, there you have it: My "Wish" list for the past...I'm so petty and have plenty of issues, I know. Maybe this will make you fellow "paused-lifers"  feel a little better knowing that there's someone as crazy as me out there who has also screwed up royally a bunch of times.

Anyways, when you feel down about your past, reaching for a bowl of ice cream always helps. I can't remember which show it was from, but there was a t.v. show that made a joke about depressed girls eating a pint of Rocky Road ice cream.

Strangely enough, when I Googled the ice cream, i found that it was developed by the Edy's ice cream company after the Stock Market Crash of 1929. It was named Rocky Road to "give folks something to smile about in the midst of the Great Depression." So, oddly, it really is the flavor to reach for when you feel down. Its here to help. And be delicious. Unless you have tree nut allergies, then don't eat it because of the almonds/ walnuts.

So, what are some of your biggest regrets in life ( if you say reading this blog I will hunt you down....)? What do you do when you're sad? As always, leave a comment and please subscribe and share if you likey~

*Pinterest supplies the images, I supply the feels*


  1. I can't say I agree, but maybe I sympathize, with all but number 10. There are tons of vapid youtubers about that shit.

    When I get really sad and depressed like that, I like to watch movies or read a book. maybe take a nap. I usually wake up feeling a little bit better.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Yeah, number 10 is one of my more shallow regrets...I always feel ridiculous after I think about it. Naps are always a good way to recover emotionally!

  3. It takes guts to admit your regrets. kudos for that. This prompted me to write mine down... but I'm going to chicken out of sharing them. For now, anyway.

    1. Haha, it helped that I still had a fever when I was writing. It was actually pretty therapeutic, I feel like just writing them down helps get over them : )


Be cool and leave a comment. Oh, and Beware: there be troll eating dragons!